When you do a lot of backpacking tent camping, there are things to consider when choosing Backpacking tents. Comfort is the number one consideration when I buy camping tents and equipment. Although camping equipment is usually bought for vacation or temporary use. Outdoor comfort when you are camping is “PRICELESS“. When you backpacking you’ll want a lightweight or ultralight tent, get a good one and take good care of it. Shop well when purchasing tents, backpacks, and other camping equipment. Think of this as an investment in your home away from home. Sleeping bags, camp stoves, water purifiers, emergency food supplies, and first aid kits are some other things that need careful consideration when purchasing. Be sure to bring a good campfire recipe and marshmallows.
Welcome to The Backpacking Tent Camping Blog. Hiking backpacking and tent camping is a recreational activity popular in America as well as in other parts of the world. This site is meant to be a resource for all things related to Backpacking Tent Camping, I will answer all comments. Feel free to email homelesscoyote@Gmail.com Travel vacations camping tents recipes backpacks clothes boots shoes sleeping bags cookware knives
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Friday, July 1, 2022
Backpacking tent camping | Tents
Being comfortable while backpacking tent camping usually comes down to the weight you are carrying all your gear, clothes, boots, shoes, and the way your gear is packed. Lightweight or ultralight gear is usually preferred. Being comfortable when your tent is set up comes down to space. You need room to lay down comfortably and you also need room for gear and equipment that you will be using in the tent when the weather is bad. Besides your inside space, some outside covered space is also needed for cooking and heat in bad weather. Don’t use any kind of fire for cooking or heat inside a tent, it’s very dangerous, as any flame gives off dangerous fumes. Camping tents don’t have to be big, especially if you have to carry it and set it up yourself. To really enjoy the outdoors backpacking camping tents need to be big enough to sleep in, with room for clothes. Smaller tents leave a smaller footprint. Conservation is the responsibility of all of us and it’s up to all of us to help. The next thing to consider when backpacking tent camping is the weather, the elements, the time of year, and the geographical location of your backpacking tent camping trip. Your tent is your shelter, the number one element of survival. When you are backpacking, your camping tent separates and protects you from the critters and weather. “Not you Griz” I’m talking about the little critters, not the bears. Make sure you don’t forget the pepper spray and an air horn. You never know what you might run into hiking or camping. I have to slip in a little story here; One night while I was almost asleep in my tent, I heard a noise outside and looked out to see a black bear about 15 feet away rummaging through the burnt-out coals in my campfire where I'd cooked earlier it was a little scary, all I could think was. I hope he doesn't come snooping around my tent, I really don't want to get tangled up in this tent with a bear. After about 20 minutes, he left and I started to breathe again. Glad that I don't keep food in my tent!!! Now that I have covered some of the variables, you can see that compromises have to be made between backpacking (traveling) comfort and campsite (camping) comfort.
“But wait there’s more“. Backpacking and Tent Camping are separate activities and should be treated as such because some enjoy backpacking, the traveling adventure and some enjoy Camping, the relaxing adventure. Your choice of tents as you can see comes down to some personal preferences. A recreational tent's main purpose is shelter, a place to sleep. I’m going to finish this article with my own personal preferences for backpacking tents and camping tents. I love to travel and adventure, backpacking tent camping is my favorite activity. I travel light using a small pup tent, just big enough for 2 people “You never know”. My sleeping bag, blanket, sheet, and extra clothes are all rolled up inside my tent. Rather than a bigger tent, I carry a tarp 6ft. X 12ft. Or 10ft. X 20ft. and my tent is rolled inside the tarp. Even in a storm I can set up my tent and have a dry place to rest. A tarp is more versatile than a bigger tent and I plan to write an article on the shelter at a later date that will explain the many uses of a tarp. Now if I knew that I was going to encounter some really horrible weather while backpacking tent camping, I would rethink my choice and use a good four-season tent with a vestibule. Please leave a comment and enjoy more Backpacking Tent Camping | Tents
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